§ 27-1. Scope.
§ 27-2. Definitions.
§ 27-3. Findings and purpose.
§ 27-4. Procedures on change of ownership or occupancy of premises.
§ 27-5. Commencement of charges.
§ 27-6. Authority and grounds for discontinuance of service; imposition of penalties for violations.
§ 27-7. Billing of accounts.
§ 27-8. Water meters.
§ 27-9. Cross-connection control and backflow prevention.
§ 27-10. Meters—Location.
§ 27-11. Meters—Repairs.
§ 27-12. Meters—Reading.
§ 27-13. Meters—Testing and changing.
§ 27-14. Breaking of meter seals.
§ 27-15. Meters—Damage or destruction.
§ 27-16. Temporary meters.
§ 27-17. Duty of consumer as to leaks or waste; no refunds.
§ 27-18. Abatement or deduction in meter readings.
§ 27-19. Abatement or deduction in accounts for other than water service.
§ 27-20. Turning on and shutting off service connections.
§ 27-21. Connections to service mains.
§ 27-22. Charges for service connections and tapping.
§ 27-23. Sale of water outside city authorized corporate limits.
§ 27-24. Deposits to secure payment.
§ 27-25. Rates, charges for consumption of water and payment due date.
§ 27-26. Lien for nonpayment.
§ 27-27. Pressure, supply not guaranteed.
§ 27-28. Private fire service protection.
§ 27-29. Fire hydrants.
§ 27-30. General; penalties.
§ 27-31. Utility user to accept provisions of this article.
§ 27-32. Declaration of policy.
§ 27-33. Water and sewer service agreement required.
§ 27-34. Water and sewer extension policy.
§ 27-35. Inspection.
§ 27-36. Transfer of contributed property; bills of sale.
§ 27-37. Utility engineering plan review and inspection fees.