§ 27-16. Temporary meters.  

Latest version.
  • Temporary meters may be made available to developers and other customers provided certain criteria are met. These criteria are as follows:


    Consumer shall pay all charges incurred for the installation and removal and monthly user charges made on the temporary meter.


    All pipes, valves, meters, etc., up to and including the meter and backflow prevention device shall be property of the city.


    All meters shall be considered non-potable and shall be used only for the purpose of supplying construction water to meet the city's operational requirements for new water line construction for line filling, full bore flush, chlorination, post chlorination flush and bacteriological tests.


    An approved and appropriate backflow prevention device must be installed at the cost of the consumer, and shall be inspected and periodically tested by the city and the cost charged to the consumer.


    No water shall be allowed to run or be wasted.


    A deposit, in an amount as established by resolution of the city commission shall be required at the time of application.


    Setting of meters and turn-ons/turn-offs shall be made by the city personnel, or their designees, only.

    Failure to comply with the above criteria shall be grounds for refusal to grant a temporary meter or termination of service for a temporary meter. Temporary meters shall be installed for no more than six (6) months. If temporary meter is required for more than six (6) months finance department must be contacted to request an extension. No impact fees shall be due for temporary meters. All billing shall be accomplished in conformance with this article, as amended from time to time.

(Ord. No. 2011-035, § 2, 11-22-11)