§ 265-91. Parking reductions for transportation demand management strategy implementation within the CRA form-based districts (CC, EDBB-MU, SFED-MU, GTWY-MU, NBHD-MU, NBHD-RES).  

Latest version.
  • (A)

    All new development or redevelopment within the CRA form-based districts (CC, EDBB-MU, SFED-MU, GTWY-MU, NBHD-MU, NBHD-RES) may apply for parking reduction through the implementation of transportation demand management (TDM) strategies. Parking reductions for TDM strategy implementation shall not be more than ten (10) percent of the total required parking for all uses within the development. This reduction may be used in conjunction with other parking reduction provisions such as shared parking and affordable housing incentives.


    The following transportation demand strategies may be utilized to achieve a parking reduction:


    Reserved priority employee parking for qualifying multiple occupant vehicles with committed employee car pool/rideshare participation;


    Parking areas for van pool vehicles with committed employee participation;


    Sheltered, secured bicycle storage facilities;


    Employee shower/changing facilities;


    On-site availability of public transit tickets for one (1) or more of the existing public transit providers or public transit subsidies for employees;


    Make commuter van service available to all employees; the van service may be a shared vehicle among a group of businesses;


    Demonstration of the total number of employees "telecommuting"; telecommuting shall be the performance of a minimum of twenty (20) percent of the employee's business activities occurring off-site without commuting to the property;


    Demonstration of a bus shelter or transit/bus pickup facility within three hundred (300) feet of the property on which the development is located;


    Designation of an individual to act as the development's TDM coordinator with a commitment of regular communication and dissemination of TDM information;


    Provision of parking "cash-out" option for employees; this option consists of providing employees with the option of a "free" parking space or the cash equivalent in exchange for commuting to work via car pool, van pool, transit, or other means.


    Applicants requesting parking reductions through the implementation of TDM strategies shall provide details of the TDM strategies which are being proposed along with the respective parking reduction for each strategy. The information shall detail the cost, schedule, monitoring plan, identify a TDM coordinator who shall be responsible for the TDM program and other specifics of the respective strategy, as requested by the city. The community development director will make the final determination regarding the parking reduction based upon the proposed TDM strategies and the information provided.


    Each development authorized parking reductions upon approval of a TDM program shall submit an annual report to the community development director or the CRA director, as applicable, detailing compliance with the TDM strategies which are accepted by the city. The report shall be due by April 1 of each year. In the event that the implementation of the TDM program involves persons employed by a company other than the owner of the development or existing development, the annual report shall also include information compiled by the property owner regarding each such employer identifying the participation of employees with the respective TDM strategies. Within thirty (30) days following the receipt of the annual report, the city will issue a finding determining compliance with the TDM program strategy. If the development fails to meet the requirements detailed in its accepted TDM program strategy, the owner, developer, or agent shall undertake remedial action, or institute an alternative TDM strategy, as approved by the city, which achieves an equal or greater parking reduction as compared the original approved strategy. The remedial action or alternative strategy must be implemented within ninety (90) days of the alternative strategy approval. If an alternative TDM strategy is not accepted by the city and implemented, the city may require a payment-in-lieu of parking or require the provision of additional parking either on site or off site.


    The following words and phrases shall, for the purposes of this section, have the following meanings.


    Transportation demand management (TDM) program means a program that consists of strategies or projects that are aimed at achieving efficient use of the transportation system and reducing peak hour single occupancy automobile trips.


    Car pool means two (2) or more persons traveling together on a continued and prearranged common ownership, common phasing, common plan or lease basis in a private motor vehicle for the purposes of commuting to and from a place or places of employment.


    Compressed work week means a limitation by an employer on the number of days worked during the week by increasing the hours worked each day. An example would be a forty-hour workweek that consists of four (4) ten-hour workdays.


    Flexible work schedule means a work schedule that allows the person to avoid peak-hour travel periods, either morning or evening to reduce peak-hour automobile trips.


    Preferential parking means parking spaces provided for car pool or van pool participants. These spaces are located nearest the entrance to the associated buildings as an incentive for participation.


    TDM coordinator means a person that coordinates the employer's TDM activities and assists the employees with commuter benefits, programs, and services.


    Ride matching means the process of identifying interested drivers and interested riders with other drivers and riders of similar interests, employment origins and destinations for purposes of sharing rides by car pooling, van pooling or other.


    Ride sharing means the transportation of persons in a motor vehicle where such transportation is incidental to another purpose of the driver. The term shall include ride-sharing arrangements known as car pools, van pools, and bus pools.


    Shared shuttle means a vehicle that is owned by a group of businesses and used to transport employees from transit stop locations to places of employment.


    Shuttle means a privately or publicly owned vehicle used to transport employees from transit stop locations to places of employment.


    Telecommuting means the use of communication devices such as facsimile, modem, computer, or other machine to perform a minimum of twenty (20) percent of an employee's business activities at the employee's home or employee's satellite location without commuting to a principal place of employment.


    Transit means bus, shuttle, rail or any other form of public transportation provided by Broward County, South Florida Regional Transportation Agency or any other local or regional entity.


    Transit subsidies means the provision of reimbursement or payment of transit fare (for example, tickets, tokens, or passes) to business occupants of a building to encourage use of public transit.


    Van pool means a van or a similar vehicle provided for three (3) or more persons to travel together on a prearranged and continuing basis for commuting.

(Ord. No. 2010-20, § 2(Exh. A), 9-14-10)