§ 275-10. Declaration of legislative intent; applicability.  

Latest version.
  • (A)

    The intent of these regulations is to enhance the natural environment and beauty of the city by providing for landscaped green spaces, trees and other plant material and arranging them in a pleasing manner in relationship to paved areas and structures, and to encourage implementation of Florida Friendly Landscaping principles as identified by the South Florida Water Management District and as provided by Florida Statutes.


    This article applies to all developed properties and those undergoing development, except as otherwise provided for vacant residential properties.


    Several requirements of this article are modified or inapplicable to most of the CRA form-based zoning districts, because of the unique building placement and intensity standards of such districts. In all such cases, the modification or exemption applies only to lots that are developed or redeveloped in compliance with the standards and requirements of the CRA form-based district regulations in part 3 of this code. All other lots within the CRA form-based districts are fully subject to the requirements of this article.

(Ord. No. 2010-20, § 2(Exh. A), 9-14-10)