§ 505-110. Signage regulations for shopping centers and large retail establishments in commercial districts (C-1; C-2; C-3; C-4).  

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  • (A)

    Applicability. This section regulates the erection, display and maintenance of all signs within shopping centers and large retail establishments, as defined in section 725-30. Signs shall be displayed only as provided in this section. Large retail establishment within a shopping center are subject to the sign limitations for the entire shopping center development, and are not entitled to additional signage.


    Bonus signage. Shopping centers and large retail establishments located within the community redevelopment area are eligible for bonus signage as an incentive for sign design pursuant to section 505-210.


    Address signs. Required pursuant to subsection 505-40(A).


    Awning and canopy identification signs. One (1) sign per awning or canopy on each building frontage that is eligible for building signage pursuant to section 505-30(C) is permitted in lieu of a wall sign as follows:


    Letter height shall not exceed the lesser of eight (8) inches or seventy (70) percent of the vertical dimension of the awning or canopy surface upon which placed.


    Sign width shall not exceed seventy (70) percent of width of the surface upon which placed.


    Subject to the additional standards in subsection 505-40(B).


    Changeable copy signs. Permitted only for places of public assembly, subject to subsection 505-130(D).


    Directional signs. Permitted subject to subsection 505-40(E).


    Directory signs. Shopping centers arranged around one or more pedestrian-oriented open spaces are permitted one (1) freestanding or wall-mounted directory sign for each five thousand (5,000) square feet of such open space, or fraction thereof. Directory signs are subject to the standards of subsection 505-40(E), and the following:


    Freestanding directional signs shall not exceed:


    Six (6) feet in height; and


    Eighteen (18) square feet in area.


    Wall-mounted directory signs shall not exceed:


    Six (6) feet height above grade; and


    Nine (9) square feet in area.


    Flags. Permitted subject to section 505-150.


    Gallery edge identification signs. See subsection (R).


    Incidental information signs. Permitted subject to subsection 505-40(H), and as follows:


    As window signs subject to subsection (S); and


    On building walls adjacent to service entrances subject to paragraph (S)(4) of this section, and up to five (5) square feet of additional incidental information signage for each building facade that does not contain a service entrance.


    As freestanding signs, limited to four (4) signs per building on the lot where the sign is erected, not to exceed three (3) square feet in area and five (5) feet in height each.


    The community development director may authorize additional signs if the applicant demonstrates that such signs are the minimum necessary to protect or enhance the public safety, welfare, or convenience.


    Marquee signs. Permitted subject to subsection 505-130(D) for places of public assembly within the community redevelopment area. A sign design incentive bonus pursuant to section 505-210 is required for these signs.


    Menu signs. Permitted subject to subsection 505-40(H) and as follows:


    Restaurants with a drive through window may display one (1) menu sign oriented to each drive-thru window stacking lane. A menu sign shall meet the following requirements:


    Maximum height of the sign from vehicle travel surface to top of the sign shall be seven (7) feet.


    Maximum width of the sign from side to side shall be eight (8) feet.


    Maximum dimension of display from top to bottom shall be four and one-half (4.5) feet.


    The menu sign shall not be placed within a required yard.


    Dine-in restaurants may have a single menu sign within a display case attached to the building wall adjacent to the entrance, which shall not extend more than six (6) inches from the building wall, or a single menu board on the inside of a window adjacent to the entrance, which shall count as part of the window signage allowance. Neither menu sign shall exceed four (4) square feet in area.


    Monument and entrance feature identification signs.


    Shopping centers with at least five hundred (500) feet of street frontage are permitted one (1) monument or entrance feature sign is permitted, not to exceed sixty-four (64) square feet in area and eight (8) feet in height, or two (2) signs with an equivalent combined area.


    Shopping centers with less than five hundred (500) feet of street frontage on an arterial or collector street are limited to forty-eight (48) square feet of sign area and eight (8) feet in height.


    Entrance feature signs are subject to the additional standards in subsection 505-40(F) monument signs are subject to the standards in subsection 505-40(K).


    Additional sign area and height are permitted within the community redevelopment area as a sign design incentive bonus pursuant to section 505-210.


    Private wayfinding signs. These signs are permitted only within the community redevelopment area, within a development of at least five (5) acres in land area having at least ten (10) establishments. A design incentive bonus is required pursuant to section 505-210. Signs shall comply with the following standards:


    One (1) vehicular wayfinding sign is permitted adjacent to each interior drive aisle erected within a landscaped area. The city may approve additional signs provided that the applicant demonstrates that the additional signs will substantially facilitate wayfinding within the development.


    Each sign shall not exceed twenty (20) square feet in area and six (6) feet in height.


    At least four (4) and not more than eight (8) occupant or destination names shall appear on each sign.


    Temporary signs. Permitted subject to section 505-160.


    Under-canopy identification signs. Required within a development of ten (10) or more in-line retail establishments in order to facilitate pedestrian wayfinding. Developments with fewer than ten (10) in-line establishments may also utilize under-canopy identification signs. All signs are subject to the following standards:


    Maximum area of four (4) square feet when hanging from an overhead roof.


    Maximum area of six (6) square feet when supported by a building wall.


    Compliance with subsection 505-40(N).


    Wall and gallery edge identification signs for individual establishments. Wall and gallery edge signs are permitted subject to subsection 505-40(O) and 505-40(G), respectively and as follows.


    Gallery edge signs are permitted for individual retail establishments that have a minimum of twenty-five thousand (25,000) square feet of gross floor area and minimum one hundred twenty-five (125) feet of building frontage. Gallery signs are subject to the standards for wall signs, below, except as otherwise provided.


    One (1) sign is permitted per building frontage, not to exceed one (1) square foot in area for each foot of building frontage for the first seventy-five (75) feet, and one quarter (.25) square feet for each additional foot of building frontage, not to exceed one hundred fifty (150) square feet in area. No wall sign shall occupy more than seventy (70) percent of the signable area of the surface upon which placed.


    Additional sign area is available within the community redevelopment area as a CRA sign design incentive bonus, pursuant to section 505-210.


    Total wall sign length shall not exceed seventy (70) percent of an establishment's building frontage. Total gallery edge sign length shall not exceed the lesser of seventy (70) percent of the width of the gallery roof or seventy (70) percent of the establishment's building frontage.


    The maximum permitted vertical dimension of a gallery edge sign is two and one-half (2.5) feet.


    Letter height for signs under seventy-five (75) square feet shall not exceed twenty-four (24) inches.


    Each rear or side service entrance is permitted up to eight (8) square feet of total identification, directional and incidental information signage on the wall immediately adjacent to the entrance.


    Window signs. Permitted subject to the following standards:


    Signs shall not comprise more than ten (10) per cent of the total window area of an establishment's building frontage. Temporary signage permitted in section 505-160 is not subject to this limitation. Additional window signage is available within the community redevelopment area as a CRA sign design incentive bonus pursuant to section 505-210.


    Maximum permitted letter height is six (6) inches for the business name and street address, and two (2) inches for all other permanent lettering.


    Subject to the additional standards in subsection 505-40(P).

(Ord. No. 2012-009, § 2(Exh. A), 5-8-12; Ord. No. 2015-009, § 9, 4-28-15)