§ 505-160. Temporary signs.  

Latest version.
  • (A)

    The following temporary signs shall be permitted in any zoning districts, except as otherwise provided, and shall be subject to the following provisions.


    Approval of temporary signs. Temporary signs shall be approved in accordance with the permitting procedures provided in section 505-190 (signage review, approval process and fees) unless specifically exempted in this section.


    Removal; bond required. All temporary signs posted in accordance with this section shall be removed no later than (7) days after the sign is no longer relevant to an issue or event of a temporary duration, unless otherwise provided herein.


    Application of bond requirement.


    Unless exempt under subsection (b) below, at the time that an application is made for placement of any temporary sign(s) the applicant shall provide a cash bond to the city, the condition of which is that all signs permitted in connection with the bond shall be removed by the applicant in accordance with the time limits provided in this section.


    The bond requirement for temporary signs shall not apply to any person placing four (4) or fewer temporary signs none of which exceed a sign area of six (6) square feet per sign, or four (4) or fewer special event banners upon the premises of a special event, none of which exceed a sign area of eight (8) square feet per sign. All temporary signs posted pursuant to this subsection shall otherwise comply with the applicable regulations of this section.


    Any person who posts temporary signs pursuant to an exemption from the bond requirement shall be subject to a $25.00 penalty per sign which is placed in violation of this section or is not removed within the time frames established by this section.


    Payment of bond. Bonds shall be in the principal sum of one hundred dollars ($100.00) and the bond shall contain language that authorizes the city to use all or any part of the principal of the bond to cover its expenses in removing the signs if the applicant for the certificate of compliance does not remove the sign within this period of time. The designated city official responsible for reviewing the temporary sign application pursuant to section 505-190 (signage review, approval process and fees) shall forward proof of the applicant's payment of the bond to the code compliance unit manager and community development director. Candidates for political office who have qualified by the petition method pursuant to F.S. § 99.095, seeking to post political campaign signs shall be exempt from this bond requirement.


    Failure to obtain approval; removal of signs. If temporary signs are posted and the applicant has failed to obtain approval as required pursuant to this article, the code compliance unit manager is authorized and directed to cause the signs to be removed immediately. The code compliance unit manager shall keep an estimate of department expenses in removing such signs and no certificate of compliance or building permit will later be granted to any applicant, unless the applicant first pays the expenses of removing such signs, as estimated by the code compliance unit manager. Candidates for political office who have qualified by the petition method pursuant to F.S. § 99.095, seeking to post political campaign signs, shall be exempt from this repayment requirement.


    Responsibility for hazards; responsibility for removal of signs. Anyone who has installed a temporary sign, as well as the occupant or property owner, shall remove all such signs upon the issuance of a hurricane watch for the city by the National Hurricane Center of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Weather Service. Failure to remove such signs, which pose a hazard in hurricane conditions, within twenty-four (24) hours of the issuance of the hurricane watch shall cause the city to retain the bond related to the sign, if applicable, and remove the sign in accordance with the provisions of this section.


    Real estate signs may be freestanding, attached to a fence or freestanding wall, or attached to a building or window facing streets and waterways.


    Certificate of compliance: Required for all real estate sales signs except those within the E-1, RS, RD, NBHD-RES, and RO districts.


    Maximum number: One (1) sign per street and waterway frontage, and up to one (1) open house sign per lot.


    Maximum height: Six (6) feet in the E-1, RS, RD, NBHD-RES, and RO districts and ten (10) feet in all other districts.


    Maximum sign area for freestanding signs:


    E-1, RS, RD, NBHD-RES, and RO districts: four (4) square feet with up to three (3) suspended strip signs of not more than one and one-quarter (1.25) square feet each; for open house signs, three (3) square feet.


    All other districts: Twenty-four (24) square feet.


    Signs may be double-faced provided the information on both sides is identical.


    Maximum sign area for building and window signs: Three (3) square feet.


    Time period and duration: Must be removed within seven (7) days of the sale or lease of the premises upon which the sign is located. Open house signs are only permitted while the owner or agent is on the premises.


    Construction/development signs may be freestanding, mounted upon a fence or freestanding wall, or the side of a construction trailer.


    Maximum number: One (1) sign per one hundred (100) feet of street frontage, not to exceed two (2) signs per street frontage in the E-1, RS, RD, NBHD-RES and RO districts. Two (2) signs per street frontage are permitted in all other districts.


    Maximum height: Six (6) feet in the E-1, RS, RD NBHD-RES and RO districts, and ten (10) feet in all other districts.


    Maximum signage area: Thirty-two (32) square feet per project.


    Time period and duration:


    Beginning with the city's acceptance and receipt of a complete application submittal for site plan approval for the development to which the sign pertains; or


    Beginning with the city's acceptance and receipt of a complete application submittal for a building permit for the development to which the sign pertains, at the developer's option or where no site plan approval is required; and


    In all cases, terminating upon issuance of a certificate of occupancy, provided that such signage shall be removed upon expiration of the approved site plan or expiration of the building permit authorizing the posting of the signage.


    Temporary political and noncommercial signs. Temporary political and noncommercial signs, subject to the removal requirements of subsection (C) above, of eight (8) square feet in area or less. Temporary political signs shall not be posted or displayed prior to the date of qualification of the candidate identified in such signs. For signs relating to any other ballot matter, such signs shall not be posted or displayed prior to the date of receipt by the office of the Broward County Supervisor of Elections of the ballot matter wording for printing on the ballot for the applicable election. All other temporary noncommercial signs without a specific timeframe for posting under this section shall be permitted to be posted no earlier than the date on which such signs become relevant to an issue or event of a temporary duration.


    City-sponsored event signage.


    Decorative banners and bunting. Such signs shall only be permitted by the city commission in connection with special events held in the city which are sponsored by the city and open to the general public, and shall be limited to information pertaining to the special event. In no case shall the banners or bunting be displayed more than thirty (30) days prior to the date of the event and seven (7) days after the event has concluded.


    Banners or signs placed across any public street, park or other public way or property. Such signs shall only be permitted by the city manager on a temporary basis, on a finding that they are in connection with a special event being held in the city which is sponsored by the city and open to the general public. Such signs shall not be permitted to be displayed more than thirty (30) days prior to the special event and seven (7) days after the event has concluded. Information on the banner shall relate only to the special event, and shall consist only of the event name, the date(s) of the special event, the time and location.


    Temporary special event signs, other. Temporary special event signs for commercial uses are permitted only for grand openings, semi-annual sales, licensed going out of business sales, established legal holidays, and changes in ownership or management. Noncommercial entities can only qualify for a legitimate, established activity or event directly related to their function or purpose as determined by the director, including but not limited to, grand openings and special promotions.


    General provisions.


    All signs shall be posted on the premises of the event.


    Not more than two (2) special events with temporary signage are permitted to occur at any one time within a shopping center.


    Signs may be illuminated subject to compliance with section 505-30.


    Posting and removal. Temporary special event signs shall be displayed not more than:


    Thirty (30) days per event signage permit.


    Three (3) days after the event has concluded, at which time all such signs must have been removed.


    Sixty (60) days per twelve (12) month period for any occupant, provided that a minimum thirty (30) days is required in between the issuance of temporary signage permits.


    Three (3) special event permits per twelve (12) month period for any occupant.


    Two (2) simultaneous event signage permits per multiple-occupant development such as a shopping centers and business park.


    Application. The applicant shall submit a written application for the special event and proposed signage to the community development department on a form to be provided by the city, which shall provide the following information:


    Nature of the special event. The application shall include the location of the special event and daily schedule of activities.


    Duration of special event. The application shall include dates of commencement and termination of the special event.


    Type of signage proposed. The application shall include a description of signage including dimensions, materials used, method of construction and placement including dimensions from driveway, right-of-way and edge of pavement, list of sign locations, proposed illumination, and such other information as the city may require.


    Number of signs. The application shall specify the number of temporary special event signs requested and shall conform to the applicable requirements for a temporary sign bond, as applicable pursuant to subsection (C) of this section.


    Responsible agents. The application shall identify the name and phone number of the sponsoring entity and principle contacts responsible for erecting and removing signage.


    Permitted signage. Total signage for any special event shall not to exceed one hundred sixty (160) square feet of total signage and twenty (20) signs. The total permissible signage may be allocated among the different types of authorized signage, but is subject to the restrictions on size and number established below for each type of sign. For establishments with more than one building frontage, the longest such frontage that has a public entrance shall be utilized to calculate allowable signage area.


    Attached banner signs.


    Two (2) square feet of banner signage is permitted for each foot of building frontage of the establishment having the special event, not to exceed one hundred twenty (120) square feet per building frontage.


    Banners must be attached to the façade of the establishment having the special event below the roofline and extending no closer than two (2) feet to the demising partition walls of the establishment, or may be attached to a fence or wall if the establishment is freestanding and not part of a multiple-occupant building or lot.


    Freestanding signs.


    Freestanding signs are permitted in any yard fronting an arterial or collector street, provided that the yard is at least fifty (50) feet in depth.


    Two (2) square feet of freestanding signage is permitted for each foot of building frontage of the establishment for which the sign permit is issued, not to exceed six (6) feet in height and twenty (20) square feet per sign, and a total of sixty (60) square feet of sign area.


    The signs may be placed within any pervious area upon the lot on which the establishment having the special event is located, subject to all setback and clear sight distance requirements for freestanding signs. In the absence of pervious area adjacent to a street, only one (1) sign is permitted on a paved surface, which shall not be placed within a driveway, drive aisle, parking space, or public sidewalk (located within the public right-of-way or special purpose public sidewalk easement). Directional signs are permitted on adjacent lots if such lots are utilized as part of the event and included within the event permit.


    Such signs are not permitted in conjunction with banner signs attached to fences or freestanding walls.


    Freestanding signs may include vinyl banners placed on individual banner stands that are properly sized for the banners.


    Inflatable signs.


    Inflatable signs are permitted only for grand openings and changes in ownership or management.


    Sixty (60) square feet of inflatable signage is permitted per event.


    The area of each inflatable sign shall be determined by multiplying its largest vertical dimension by its largest horizontal dimension.


    Inflatable signs may be attached to any structure or the ground. Maximum permitted height is twelve (12) feet above the surface to which attached, but in no event higher than thirty-five (35) feet above grade.


    The use of inflatable signs is limited to one event per twelve (12) month period for any given establishment.


    Temporary garage sale signs. The posting of garage sale signs shall be permitted if a garage sale license has been granted pursuant to chapter 21 "sales and auctions", article III "garage sales." Garage sale signs shall be posted in accordance with the following requirements:


    Sign area. A garage sale sign shall not exceed four (4) square feet in area.


    Each sign shall display a registration sticker bearing the garage sale license number issued by the city.


    Placement of signs. A maximum of two (2) garage sale signs may be placed on the property upon which the sale is located. Up to three (3) garage sale signs may be placed upon private property, with the consent of the property owner.


    Duration. Garage sale signs may be posted only between the hours of 5:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. on the days the sale is licensed.

(Ord. No. 2012-009, § 2(Exh. A), 5-8-12)