§ 505-90. Signage regulations for the mixed-use CRA form-based zoning districts (CC, SFED-MU, EDBB-MU, GTWY-MU, NBHD-MU).  

Latest version.
  • (A)



    This section regulates the erection, display and maintenance of all signs within the mixed-use districts in the community redevelopment area (CRA).


    Signage for single-family and two-family residential development is regulated under section 505-60, subject to the restriction on monument signs per subsection (P) of this section.


    Signage for townhouse and multiple-family residential dwellings, including multiple-family portions of mixed-use buildings, are regulated under section 505-70, subject to the restriction on monument signs per subsection (P) of this section.


    Sign types allowed. For each district and street type, the following types of signs are permitted:

    ✓ = permitted

    C = conditionally permitted (i.e. only for certain uses, locations or other qualifications pursuant to the regulations referenced in the left-hand column).

    X = not permitted

    Sign Type CC District SFED-MU, EDBB-MU GTWY-MU Districts NBHD-MU District
    Street frontage to which sign is oriented
    Primary Streets Secondary Streets Primary Streets Secondary Streets All streets
    Permanent signs
    Awning, canopy
    Gallery edge
    Incidental information
    Marquee [see subsection 505-130(D)] C C C X X
    Menu, drive-thru Permitted if not oriented toward, or screened from, any street
    Menu, other
    Monument [see subsection 505-90(P)] C X C X X
    Private wayfinding [see subsection 505-90(K)] Permitted, but shall not be oriented to any street X
    Projecting [see subsection 505-90(S)] C C C X X
    Portable signs
    Sandwich signs
    Umbrella signage
    Menu signs
    Temporary signs
    Per section 505-160



    Cumulative sign area allowance. Every establishment is subject to a maximum cumulative sign area for all building signs. This sign area can be increased, as indicated below, by participating in the signage incentive program set forth in section 505-210.

    Cumulative square footage of building signage* per linear foot of occupant street frontage (per frontage) CC District SFED-MU, EDBB-MU GTWY-MU Districts NBHD-MU District
    All streets Primary Streets Secondary Streets All streets
    1.5 without bonus 1.5 without bonus 1.20 without bonus 1.20 without bonus
    2.5 with bonus 2.5 with bonus 1.7 with bonus 1.7 with bonus


    *Excluding one (1) under-canopy sign per frontage


    Building signage eligibility.

    Permitted building Signs Nonresidential & mixed-use building establishment location and access configuration
    Ground floor establishment, direct outside public entrance or abuts a shared lobby entrance but has exterior frontage* Upper floor establishment, direct individual outside public entrance via stairs, elevator Ground or upper floor establishment, shared lobby entrance, no ground story exterior frontage
    Identification signs
    Awning, canopy Permitted Permitted One (1) sign is permitted adjacent to each public lobby entrance for the anchor tenant or building name, and address.
    Gallery edge Permitted Not permitted
    Marquee See subsection
    Not permitted
    Projecting See subsection
    Not permitted
    Under-canopy Permitted Permitted
    Wall Permitted Permitted
    Window Permitted Not permitted
    Secondary signs
    Directional Permitted Permitted Permitted
    Directory Not permitted Not permitted Permitted
    Plaque Permitted Not permitted Permitted
    Incidental information Permitted Permitted Permitted
    Menu Permitted Not permitted Not permitted


    *Includes co-located businesses pursuant to subsection 505-30(D)


    Address signs. Required, subject to subsection 505-40(A).


    Awning and canopy identification signs. One (1) sign is permitted per awning or canopy for each building frontage eligible for building signage pursuant to subsection 505-30(C), and subject to the following standards:


    Maximum letter height is eight (8) inches or seventy (70) percent of the vertical dimension of the awning or canopy surface, whichever is less.


    Sign width shall not exceed seventy (70) percent of surface upon which placed.


    Subject to the additional standards in subsection 505-40(B).


    Changeable copy signs. Permitted only for places of public assembly, subject to subsection 505-130(D).


    Directional signs. Permitted subject to subsection 505-40(D), provided that the area for such signs located within an institutional campus such as a hospital, school or civic center may be up to six (6) square feet in area when used to indicate the direction of travel to multiple campus facilities (ex: main office, student drop-off, cafeteria, etc.).


    Directory signs. Directory wall signs and freestanding signs are permitted subject to subsection 505-40(E), and as follows:


    One (1) freestanding directory sign is permitted for each five thousand (5,000) square feet of pedestrian-oriented open space, or fraction thereof, within shopping centers and mixed-use developments arranged around one or more pedestrian-oriented open spaces. Freestanding directional signs shall not exceed:


    Six (6) feet in height; and


    Eighteen (18) square feet in area.


    Wall-mounted directory signs are permitted adjacent to each entrance of a building that provides interior lobby access to multiple establishments. Such signs shall not exceed:


    Six (6) feet height above grade; and


    Nine (9) square feet in area


    Flags. Permitted subject to section 505-150.


    Gallery edge identification signs. Permitted subject to subsection (W).


    Incidental information signs. Permitted subject to subsection 505-40(H) and the following standards:


    As window signs subject to subsection (W); and


    On building walls adjacent to service entrances subject to paragraph (V)(5), and up to five (5) square feet of additional incidental information signage for each building facade that does not contain a service entrance; and


    As freestanding signs, limited to four (4) signs multiplied by the number of principal buildings on the lot where the sign is erected, not to exceed three (3) square feet in area and five (5) feet in height each.


    The community development director may authorize additional signs if the applicant demonstrates that such signs are the minimum necessary to protect or enhance the public safety, welfare, or convenience.


    Marquee signs. Permitted for places of public assembly subject to subsection 505-130(D). A sign design incentive bonus pursuant to section 505-210 is required for these signs.


    Menu signs. Permitted subject to subsection 505-40(J), and as follows.


    Restaurants with a drive through window may display one (1) menu sign oriented to each drive-thru window stacking lane. A menu sign shall meet the following requirements:


    Maximum height of the sign from vehicle travel surface to top of the sign shall be seven (7) feet.


    Maximum width of the sign from side to side shall be eight (8) feet.


    Maximum dimension of display from top to bottom shall be four and one-half (4.5) feet.


    The menu sign shall not be placed within a required yard.


    Dine-in restaurants may have a single menu sign within a display case attached to the building wall adjacent to the entrance, which shall not extend more than six (6) inches from the building wall, or a single menu board on the inside of a window adjacent to the entrance, which shall count as part of the window signage allowance. Neither menu sign shall exceed four (4) square feet in area.


    Monument signs. Monument signs are permitted only as follows:


    Buildings that were existing, or approved and vested as of the date of adoption of this article (May 8, 2012), and set back thirty (30) feet or more from the street line(s) along which the sign is proposed, may have monument signage subject to the applicable standards for signage outside of the CRA form-based districts (i.e. shopping center, multiple-family dwelling community, service station, etc.).


    Development and redevelopment that is constructed to the build-to-line and second layer parking facility requirements of the CRA form-based districts may have monument signage as an incentive for complying with the design criteria of section 505-210 upon satisfying the following requirements:


    The development comprises at least four (4) net acres in area and is planned as a single overall development under unified control, with at least fifty thousand (50,000) square feet of commercial use; and


    The development parcel has at least four hundred (400) feet of lot depth; and


    The development parcel has at least three hundred (300) feet of frontage on the arterial or collector primary street where the monument signage is proposed.


    The signage is subject to design review and the monument sign standards in section 505-210.


    A civic center consisting of at least two (2) governmental facilities on a minimum two (2) acres of land within the City Center District is permitted one (1) monument sign per street frontage.


    Plaques. Plaques are permitted and encouraged, subject to subsection 505-40(L).


    Private wayfinding signs. These signs are permitted only within a development that qualifies for monument signage pursuant to subsection (P), and qualifies for signage incentives pursuant to section 505-210. Signs shall comply with the following standards:


    A minimum of one (1) vehicular wayfinding sign will be allowed adjacent to each interior drive aisle erected within a landscaped area. The city may approve additional signs provided that the applicant demonstrates that the additional signs will substantially facilitate wayfinding within the development.


    Each sign shall not exceed twenty (20) square feet in area and six (6) feet in height.


    At least four (4) and not more than eight (8) establishment or destination names shall appear on each sign.


    Portable signs. The following signs are permitted in accordance with the following standards. Each sign requires a certificate of compliance pursuant to section 505-190.


    Portable menu signs. In lieu of menu sign pursuant to paragraph (O)(2), a menu up to three (3) square feet in size may be located on a portable lectern or menu stand adjacent to the entrance of a restaurant that has city-approved outdoor seating, provided it does not obstruct a minimum clear pedestrian path of at least five (5) feet in width. The sign shall be moved indoors at the close of business each day. A portable menu sign is not permitted in combination with a sandwich sign.


    Portable sandwich (A-frame) signs. Sandwich signs shall be displayed only as follows:


    One (1) sign is permitted adjacent to the main public entrance of a restaurant.


    Placement shall be on or adjacent to a sidewalk, but not within a public right-of-way, and not adjacent to an arterial road.


    The sign shall not block pedestrian corridors or pathways, and shall maintain a minimum five (5) foot clear path.


    Shall be constructed of wood, faux-wood, or metal.


    Maximum six (6) square feet for each of the two (2) sides, not to exceed three (3) feet in height.


    The sign shall be used to identify the food or beverages available on premises.


    Permitted in lieu of a portable menu sign.


    Shall be moved indoors at the close of business each day.


    Portable umbrella signs. These signs are permitted accessory to city-approved outdoor restaurant seating, subject to the following restrictions:


    The sign may be printed or applied to outdoor dining umbrellas.


    The sign shall be used to identify the name of the business.


    Maximum letter height is six (6) inches.


    Business logo shall not exceed one (1) square foot.


    Signage shall not exceed ten (10) percent of the overall umbrella area.


    Projecting signs above the ground story. These signs are allowed only as a sign design incentive bonus pursuant to section 505-210.


    Temporary signs. Permitted subject to section 505-160.


    Under-canopy identification signs. These signs are required for any building with more than three (3) in-line establishments that are constructed to a build-to-line, and for all establishments within a development of ten (10) or more in-line establishments. Under-canopy signs are permitted for developments with fewer than three (3) in-line establishment as well. All under-canopy signs are subject to the following standards:


    Maximum area of four (4) square feet when hanging from an overhead roof.


    Maximum area of six (6) square feet when supported by a building wall.


    Compliance with subsection 505-40(N).


    Wall and gallery edge identification signs. One (1) gallery edge sign or wall sign is permitted on a building frontage, but not both. Wall and gallery edge signs are subject to subsection 505-40(O) and 505-40(G), respectively, and the following standards:


    One (1) sign is permitted per building frontage, not to exceed one (1) square foot in area for each of the first seventy-five (75) feet of building frontage, and one-quarter (.25) square foot in area for each additional one (1) foot of frontage in excess of seventy-five (75) feet. In no instance shall a sign exceed one hundred fifty (150) square feet in area. No wall sign shall occupy more than seventy (70) percent of the signable area of the surface upon which placed.


    Additional sign area is available as a CRA sign design incentive bonus, pursuant to section 505-210.


    Total wall sign length shall not exceed seventy (70) percent of an establishment's building frontage. Total gallery edge sign length shall not exceed the lesser of seventy (70) percent of the width of the gallery roof or seventy (70) percent of the establishment's building frontage.


    Letter height shall not exceed twenty-four (24) inches for wall signs under seventy-five (75) square feet in area.


    Gallery edge signs shall not exceed a vertical dimension of two and one-half (2.5) feet.


    Hotels and office buildings may utilize wall identification signage on an upper story of the building, pursuant to subsection 505-130(E).


    Each service entrance is permitted up to eight (8) square feet of total identification, incidental information and directional signage on the wall immediately adjacent to the service entrance.


    Window signs. Permitted subject to the following standards:


    Signs shall not comprise more than ten (10) percent of the total window area of an establishment's building frontage. Additional window signage is available as a CRA sign design incentive bonus pursuant to section 505-210.


    Temporary signage permitted in section 505-160 is not subject to this limitation.


    Maximum permitted letter height is six (6) inches for the business name and street address, and two (2) inches for all other permanent lettering.


    Subject to the additional standards in subsection 505-40(P).

(Ord. No. 2012-009, § 2(Exh. A), 5-8-12; Ord. No. 2015-009, § 9, 4-28-15)