§ 825-90. Tree relocation.  

Latest version.
  • (A)

    [Relocation plan.] Before the city issues a tree removal license that allows the replacement of any tree, the applicant must demonstrate that relocation is not a viable alternative. Relocation shall occur either within the site or off site with the concurrence of the city, where the site is public property, or with the concurrence of the property owner, where the site is private property. The site shall be in reasonable proximity to the original site and have physiographic conditions similar to the original site. If any tree is to be located either onsite or offsite, a relocation plan shall be submitted. Relocation plans, as required by this section, must first be reviewed and approved prior to granting the tree removal license. Before a license is issued for tree relocation, performance bonds may be required to be posted.


    Methods for relocation. The following guidelines shall be utilized to ensure successful transplanting of trees designated for transplanting:


    Any tree being relocated shall not be unnecessarily damaged during removal, transport or replanting of that tree.


    Trees should be transplanted at an appropriate time based on climate and species requirements. Transplantations should be avoided during periods where irrigation is restricted to the extent that it may have a negative impact on tree survival. The city may approve an extension of the tree removal license in this situation.


    Adequate spaces for root and crown development shall be provided.


    Trees shall be root and canopy pruned according to ANSI A-300 standards a minimum of thirty (30) days prior to transplanting.


    During and following transplanting, the root ball and trunk shall be protected. The root ball must be kept moist at all times.


    Transplanted trees shall be braced for at least one (1) year.


    Transplanted trees shall not be fertilized at planting time, but shall be watered sufficiently until the tree growth is re-established.


    All crown pruning shall be done in accordance with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI A-300) as amended.

(Ord. No. 2010-20, § 2(Exh. A), 9-14-10)