§ 320-20. Uses permitted.  

Latest version.
  • (a)



    Governmental facilities.


    Marine cargo handling.


    Parking garage.


    Passenger terminal.


    Railroad and truck terminal.


    Shipbuilding and repair.


    Utilities including electric, gas and sanitary.




    Assembly of products from prefabricated parts.


    Banks and financial institutions.


    Car rental agencies.


    Machine shops.


    Industries not involving hazardous or nauseous substance, material or processes as defined in section 320-40 below.


    Outdoor storage of material or products being processed in or transported through the port.




    Retail commercial, which is accessory to an otherwise allowable use.


    Service station.


    Wholesale sales.


    Marine-related educational facilities.




    Petroleum processing, transmission and storage.


    Recreational facilities.

(Ord. No. 2010-20, § 2(Exh. A), 9-14-10)