§ 9. Jurisdiction.  

Latest version.
  • The jurisdiction and powers of the City of Dania Beach shall extend over all streets, alleys, sewers, parks and all lands within said such area, whether platted or unplatted, and the air above same; and to and over all waters, waterways, streams, submerged lands, water bottoms and wharves; and to and over all persons, firms and corporations, property and property rights, occupations, businesses and professions whatsoever, within such boundaries.

    The title to and jurisdiction over all streets, thoroughfares, parks, alleys, public lots, sewers, within the city, and other property and municipal plants of the city now owned, possessed or operated by it, and all property of every kind and character which the city may hereafter acquire within or outside the city, or which may vest in it, or be dedicated to it, for its use or for the public use, shall be vested in the City of Dania [Beach], as created under this charter.

(Ord. No. 2010-029, § 5(Att. X), 12-14-10)